[31: create inside wall of headlight section]

Extract 3 edges of HEADLIGHT COVER surface. Again, do it one by one. Looped edges cause rendering trouble.

Group them, Copy, Paste and Scale it. Translate it backward.

Create Skin surfaces.

Draw 3 straight lines from one point to each corner of the Skin surfaces.

Create 3Sides surfaces like a pyramid. ->tips#11

[32: create HEADLIGHTS surfaces]

Draw section curve of a HEADLIGHT.

Create Lathe surface with the curve.

Create a Sphere as a lens of the light.

Group them, Copy, Paste, Scale and Translate them to construct trio HEADLIGHTS.

[33: create inside of taillight section]

Repeat 31 and 32 for taillight section.


[34: create a simple seat]

Modeling simple interior is efficient way to increase reality of the exterior model. Usually seatbacks and steering wheel are enough.

Draw section curve of seatback and headrest, Copy and Paste them.

Create Skin surfaces and FillPath surfaces.

Combine them into SEATBACK surfaces and HEADREST surfaces.

Lattice-deform them to make their top narrower.

[35: create interior wall]

Draw section curve.

Trim REAR TOP surface with the line.

Copy and Paste the line.

Create Skin surface.

[36: Create REAR UNDER CUTTING surface]

Draw straight line on Side view.

Extrude along Y axis.

Intersect with REAR surface.

Delete unnecessary parts.

[37: Create MUFFLER surfaces]

Create Coons surface with boundary curves.

Draw shape of muffler on Rear view, open Modeling Tool Manager, check Curve type Closed.

Project it onto the Coons Surface. ->tips#12

Copy, Paste, Scale and Translate the curve, create 4 sections for MUFFLER surfaces. Better not to use the original curve to create surfaces, because that is the part of construction tree.

Create Skin surface and FillPath surface.

[38: create front air intake]

Draw air intake cutting line on Rear view.

Trim BUMPER LOWER surface with the line. ->tips#15

Extract edge, Copy, Paste, Scale and Translate it.

Create Skin surface.

[39: create FRONT and REAR AIR SPOILER surface]

Draw section curves and pass curves.

Create Coons and Extrude surfaces.

[40: Create DOOR-PARTING LINE surfaces]

Door-parting lines are important to increase reality of your model. It also helps to understand how body section is. There are several ways to create door-parting lines.

Trim body surfaces with parallel 2 lines, and create rounded edge surfaces along the trimmed edges with Pipe tool.

Or, Trim body surfaces with parallel 2 lines, and create Skin surfaces between trimmed edges, and assign bump map to the surfaces.

Or, this time, I go to the easiest way. Project parallel 2 lines onto body surfaces, Copy and Paste them, Translate them slightly outside, create Skin surfaces with them, just assign flat black material to the Skin surfaces.

[41: add more details...]

Create MIRROR surfaces with Skin and FillPath tool.

Create an emblem...

[42: Create right side surfaces]

I strongly recommend you to save your model data before doing following actions.

Combine surfaces by their materials. ->tips#14

Mirror all of Combined surfaces.

Flip surface normal of Mirrored objects that have glass material. ->tips#16

That's it! YOU DID IT!!! (and, i did it...:-)

see final renderings at portfolio section.

next page is solidThinking tips...